The Winter at Novaya Zemlya

Novaya Zemlya Quiz

The questions below are designed to test your understanding of both De Veer's text, and the rest of the material presented here:

Question 1

Historians have dubbed the route to Asia via Novaya Zemlya as the 'North-East Passage' to distinguish it from the North-West Passage, which was also explored in the early 17 th century. What, do you think, may have been called the North-West Passage?

>Click here to check your answer.

Question 2

One of the linguistic characteristics of the literary genre of early modern travel accounts is the process of '*subject deletion'.

  1. Try to determine two instances of subject deletion in the >first two excerpts of De Veer's account.

  2. Why do you think subject-deletion occurred in these instances?

>Click here to check your answer.

Question 3

Which other idiosyncracy of 17th century Dutch texts occurs no less than three times in the following phrase from the second excerpt: “...ende int loopen vielder een van haer in een scheur tusschent ys in...”?

>Click here to check your answer.

Question 4

Why, do you think, did Barentsz and Van Heemskerck leave a hand-written letter at the Behouden Huys?

>Click here to check your answer.

Question 5

>Compare the title-pages of the first German edition and the first Italian edition of De Veer's account.

  1. What, would you consider, are the main differences? How do you explain these differences?

  2. At the bottom of the title-pages, you see passages of hand-written text. What is the purpose of these additions?

>Click here to check your answer.

Thank you very much for using the Novaya Zemlya study-pack. We hope that the heroic voyage of Barentsz and Van Heemskerck appeals to your imagination, just as it has done for generations of Dutch school children. You can >check the bibliography for further references on Dutch expansion, on De Veer's canonical report, on the activities of publishers in early modern Europe, and on the archaeological finds at Novaya Zemlya. Links to other websites can also be found here. Please take a few minutes to >complete the evaluation form which can be found here.