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Number of items: 66.

18th Century Spanish Literature
Summary of 18th century Spanish Literature

Shared with the University by Ms Bettina Hermoso Gómez

19th Century Spanish History
Brief summary of 19th Century Spanish History

Shared with the University by Ms Bettina Hermoso Gómez

A collection of interactive materials for historical research
This collection of interactive learning materials covers a range of issues to consider when conducting life history interviews for historical research.

Shared with the World by Ms Kate Borthwick

A volar, by Rafael Alberti
Rafael Alberti's poem "A volar": Comments by Spanish poet Juan Ramón Barat in video plus some notes written by the author before the recording. You can read the poem and listen to it read by Nuria Espert in:

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Attitudes Towards Regional Autonomy in Spain: The Case of Lorca (Región de Murcia). 17 videos, Methodology and Transcripts.
17 Participants respond to the question “How would you feel if the regional parliament and the regional government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia were to disappear tomorrow and all the decisions taken at regional level were to be taken instead at national level? Why? “. This is a collection of learning resources for the students of the Year 2 undergraduate module SPPO 2370/2371 (“Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe”). School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Autonomous Learning Portfolio in Spanish Language
Powerpoint presentation on Autonomous Learning. This presentation was shown on the 23rd of June 2011 at the University of Leeds in the course of the event "SMLC Language Teaching Conference".

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Ayer no quise volar muy bajo by Encarna Navarro
This is one of the 8 poems of Encarna Navarro which have been recorded in video for this collection. Students of Spanish literature and language can listen to this video recording, make notes, reflect upon the themes that appear in Encarna Navarro’s poetry and undertake independent or guided research on the references made in Encarna’s poems to well-known Spanish Poetry Classics. They can finally listen to the interview, where Antonio Martínez-Arboleda discusses with the poet some key questions about her poetry.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Comment on Canción de jinete
The Spanish poet Juan Manuel Barat comments on Federico García Lorca's "Canción de jinete"

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (SPPO3640)
This is the module outline of a new course that will be taught at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures of the University of Leeds from September 2012. This course is aimed at Final Year students of all our Spanish BA's. It has been designed as part of the University of Leeds' contribution to the JISC-funded OpenLIVES Project, in collaboration with the University of Southampton and the University of Portsmouth. You can also find a blog entry discussing the rationale for methodologies chosen. The module combines research-based learning and professional/life skills and allows students to be real producers of cultural critical knowledge.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Discussion Board: Obama visits Spain
This activity is currently being used in the module SPPO 2650/1 "The Spanish regional Melting Pot: the same old History?" at the University of Leeds. This module is a Level 2 very popular option for all our BAs in Spanish. Students make their contributions via discussion boards in VLE Blackboard. The activity is aimed at facilitating students’ interaction and co-operation in the process of understanding the history of the Spanish State, the history of the different nationalist movements in Spain and the relationship between national identity, political allegiances and the interpretation of these sometimes conflicting “histories”. It also fosters transferable skills such as intercultural communication, analytical skills, critical skills, the ability to work as part of a group, negotiating skills, online communication skills, leadership and spirit of enquiry. The activity was first used in the module "Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration into Europe" (SPPO 2370/1) in 2009 but has been updated since them. Last update 29/9/114. It received the University of Leeds Faculty of Arts Teaching Development Prize 2009/2010 and has attracted excellent student and employer feedback. It can be downloaded as a pdf document or as a word document.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Discussion Board: Socioeconomic and demographic reality of Contemporary Spain
This activity is currently being used in the module SPPO 2650/1 "The Spanish regional Melting Pot: the old same History?" at the University of Leeds. Students make their contributions via discussion boards in VLE Blackboard. The activity is aimed at facilitating students’ interaction and co-operation in the process of understanding the complex socio-economic and demographic reality of Spain and its Autonomous Communities as well as the country’s political-territorial structure. It also fosters transferable skills such as statistical literacy, the ability to work as part of a group, negotiating skills, communication skills, leadership and spirit of enquiry. The activity was first used in the module "Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration into Europe" (SPPO 2370/1) in 2008 but has been updated since them. It can be downloaded either as a word document or as a pdf. Last update 29 September 2014.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Discussion Board: TV documentary on identities and linguistic diversity in contemporary Catalonia
This activity is used in the module "Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration into Europe" (SPPO 2370/1). Its aim is to facilitate students’ practical and personal engagement, interaction and co-operation in the process of understanding key issues in relation to national identity in Spain and the sociolinguistic reality of its Autonomous Communities.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Discussion Board: TV documentary on national identity in contemporary Spain
This activity is currently being used in the module SPPO 2650 "The Spanish regional Melting Pot: the same old History?" at the University of Leeds. This module is a Level 2 very popular option for all our BAs in Spanish. Students make their contributions via discussion boards in VLE Blackboard. The activity was first used in the module "Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration into Europe" (SPPO 2370/1) in 2009 but has been updated since them. It is aimed at facilitating students’ interaction and co-operation in the process of understanding national and regional identities in contemporary Spain. It fosters transferable skills such as intercultural communication, analytical skills, critical skills, the ability to work as part of a group, commercial awareness, negotiating skills, online communication skills, leadership and spirit of enquiry. The activity also offers students the possibility to reflect upon ethics and responsibility in a research and communication professional role. It contains a word document with the activitiy in Spanish for 2012-2013, a word document with a learning reflection sheet to do in the classroom after the activity (this was incorporated in response to feedback received from employer) plus previous versions of the activity in Spanish and English.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Dissemination presentations on the work of OpenLIVES
This collection brings together a selection of presentations on the work of the JISC-funded OpenLIVES project. These presentations were given at conferences and dissemination events by the project team.

Shared with the World by Ms Kate Borthwick

Encarna Navarro's Poetry Videos Presentation
The Spanish poet from Lorca (Murcia) Encarna Navarro introduces her video collection of poems, which consists of 8 poems and an interview with Antonio Martínez-Arboleda. Students of Spanish literature and language can listen to this video recording, make notes, reflect upon the themes that appear in Encarna Navarro’s poetry and undertake independent or guided research on the references made in Encarna’s poems to well-known Spanish Poetry Classics. They can finally listen to the interview, where Antonio Martínez-Arboleda discusses with the poet some key questions about her poetry.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Encarna Navarro’s Interview
Poet Encarna Navarro, from Lorca (Murcia), is interviewed by Antonio Martínez-Arboleda in November 2009 following the reading of a selection of her poems that have been also published in the Humbox in video format. Encarna talks about the themes and inspiration of her work, her favourite readings, which include Becquer and García Lorca, and her writing.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Engaging with Students: Spanish and Portuguese Literature Activities created by Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
This is a collection of activities, including a whole course, aimed at offering to the academic alternative methodological approaches to widespread conventions in the learning and teaching of any Literature module in Higher Education.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Exploring the Feminine and the Divine - Explorando lo femenino y lo divino
Spanish poets Inma Pelegrín and Katy Parra join their voices with Irish poet Siobhan Mac Mahon and London poet Hannah Stone in this International Writers at Leeds event. The artists celebrate life and light alongside their exploration, through poetic dialogue, of how the feminine consciousness is embodied and expressed in relation to divinity. Music by Irish guitarist Sabrina Piggott. Translations and final poetic collage (using exclusively verses by the 4 poets) by Antonio Martínez-Arboleda (University of Leeds). The video contains original poems in English and Spanish as well as some translations. The event took place at Leeds Central Library on 3 February 2015. With thanks to Leeds Trinity University, Instituto Cervantes of Leeds and Manchester, Leeds Central Library, School of Modern Languages and Cultures (University of Leeds) and Transforming with Poetry at Inkwell. This resource includes poster of the event, the video file, link to youtube and text advertising the event in English with references and links to Hannah Stone, Katy Parra, Inma Pelegrín and Siobhan Mac Mahon.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Guillermo Cruz, director of €uroestafa, presents his film at the University of Leeds
€uroscam, #anuncomfortabledocumentary. This is the presentation given by Guillermo Cruz at the University of Leeds on the 28 April 2015, during the premiere of his film €uroestafa in the UK. It is in Spanish with consecutive translation into English. The interpreter and organiser of the event is Antonio Martínez-Arboleda, Principal Teaching Fellow in Spanish in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies of the University of Leeds. This resource contains poster of the event, link to the mymedia video presentation and link to the Prezi presentation. With thanks to funding for the production of Open Educational resources from the HumBox project. The event was also supported by The Centre for World Cinemas of the University of Leeds. Creative Commons Licence 3.0 BY-NC-SA. Copyright University of Leeds. 2015

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Interview to Spanish Poets Inma Pelegrín and Katy Parra
Interview in Spanish: Award-winning Spanish Poets Inma Pelegrín and Katy Parra are interviewed at the University of Leeds by Dr Diana Cullell, Lecturer at the University of Liverpool (Iberian and Latin American Studies). During the interview Inma Pelegrín and Katy talk about the current state of poetic production in Spain, the connections with political changes in Spain, socially committed poetry, cultural policy, accessibility of poetry, meaning in poetry and language learning and poetry. They also talk about their own poetry and their influences. The interview took place on the 3 February 2015. Inma Pelegrín is the winner of the prestigious literary awards “Premio Hispanoamericano de Poesía Juan Ramón Jiménez 2012” and “Premio Internacional de Poesía Gerardo Diego 2007”. Inma's poetry is fresh and direct yet distinctively sublime. She is a poet of immense emotional intelligence and linguistic talent, as she can arouse the most nuanced feelings in the reader by using familiar and colloquial language, which she seamlessly transforms into poetic gold. Her latest work includes Universo improbable (2009) Trapos sucios (2008), Óxido (2008) and Cuestión de horas (2012) Katy Parra is a literary activist and poet who has published extensively since 1997. In 2008 she won the International Poetry Award dedicated to Miguel Hernández. Her poetry sits comfortably along those unique voices in Spanish poetry who have managed to put the most exquisite formal poetic demands at the service of clarity, subtle irony and unexpected eroticism. Katy is the author of Coma Idílico (2008), Por si los pájaros (2008) and La manzana o la vida (2013). Inma Pelegrín and Katy Parra visited the University of Leeds to participate in the International Writers at Leeds event held on the 3rd February 2015 at Leeds Central Library. The event "Exploring the Feminine and the Divine" also featured poets Siobhan Mac Mahon and Hannah Stone, guitarist Sabrina Piggot and Antonio Martínez-Arboleda (University of Leeds- Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies) as literary editor and translator.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Introduction to the Spanish Political Transition and the Reform of the Political System
This is a powerpoint presentation which can help year one students in BA's in Spanish to gain a better understanding of the constrains and achievements of the transition of Spain to a democratic political system between 1975 and 1982. This resource contains video links to youtube and other links to webpages as well as content taken from Dr San Martín's presentation on the Spanish Political System that can be found in the HumBox. It can be used in the classroom, but it is also suitable for self-access. There is a word file with the lesson plan.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Juan Ramón Barat - Selection of Poems Translated into English
Most of these translations have been produced by students of Spanish Language and Culture of the University of Leeds in the course of a translation workshop organised and conducted by Ben Bollig and Antonio Martínez-Arboleda on 1 December 2010. Poems in bold were read on the 6th of December 2010 by Juan Ramón Barat, who spoke in video conference, and by the translators, to a large audience of students and university general public who came to the lecture. Translated and published with the author’s consent.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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La entonación en español para estudiantes de ELE (B2 CEFR)
This is a suite of resources that includes explanations, recordings, intonation graphs and exercises. It was produced by Mireia Bosch Font, during her Erasmus + placement at the University of Leeds, as part of her MA in Spanish and Catalan Teaching at the Universitat de Girona, in Spain, which is directed by Dr Beatriz Blecua Falgueras. Antonio Martínez-Arboleda supervised and edited this work, which is now being used with students of the University of Leeds (BAs in Spanish). The Powerpoint presentations can be set as autonomous work or serve as class presentations. Actividad 1 Powerpoint is more accessible than the Ejercicio de percepción, also in Powerpoint, which is an explanation of differences in intonations between two different versions of a conversation that, in writing, appears to be exactly the same. The Pdfs are more suitable for teachers, as they include recommendations on how to direct activities and background to the exercises. The recordings of the OpenLIVES interviews that can be found in HumBox as well as the programme PRAAT, that can be downloaded for free from a number of platforms, will be of use for teachers wanting to develop Activities 2 and 3 as well as any other new exercises.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Learning about Spanish Society and History through Oral History: The OpenLIVES Collection
This is a powerpoint presentation with external links, academic references and drawings. It is used in a class with Year 1 students in the module SPPO 1180 "Skills and Issues in Spanish Portuguese and Latin American Studies" at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures of the University of Leeds. It is in Spanish. It introduces students to the OpenLIVES collection as an OER project on Oral History and Education which adds an alternative methodology for the recovery, understanding and socialisation of history in Spain during the Civil War and the Franco Regime, with a focus on migration.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Learning about social and economic issues in Spanish: videos and websites for language work.
This is a collection of videos and websites that prepare students for the challenge of interviewing Spanish economic migrants and dealing with the resulting primary data. They provide background information and key vocabulary and ideas in Spanish. They are only for advanced learners (B2-C1 CEFR) interested in these topics and require some scaffolding and activities around them. They have been used successfully in the OpenLIVES module SPPO3640 at the University of Leeds

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Los miserables
Spanish writer Juan Ramón Barat reflects upon the aftermath of the Lorca Earthquake of 11 May 2011, which brought down many buildings in this historical city and caused several casualties. In this literary and social piece, distributed to the public on the 18th of May 2011, Barat points at the lack of business ethics in the construction business as one of the reasons behind the destruction caused by the earthquake. This is a good text for those interested in contemporary social, economic and political issues in Spain, as it relates very well to some of the demands and criticisms aired by campaigners of the so-called "Spanish Revolution" of the 15th of May 2011.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Medio ambiente
Creating video poetry task for A2-B1 Spanish

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Motivating students and personalising their learning experience
Supporting students’ learning outside the classroom: promoting independence and autonomy in LLAS disciplines - Autonomous Learning Portfolio in Spanish: Personalised learning and motivation in a regulated learning environment, Antonio Martínez-Arboleda, University of Leeds. 27 May, 2010. Leeds Metropolitan University, Rose Bowl. LLAS Conference. This resource contains a main document, "SUMMARY OF PORTFOLIO TALK AND FINDINGS", and several related documents and videos to support and illustrate the main document.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Novels of Galdos (course plan)
Student course plan for module in the Hispanic studies (SOMLAL) department at the University of Sheffield (reference: HSS264) on the novels of Galdos.

Shared with the World by Dr Matt Phillpott

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Open academic practice in action
I gave this presentation at the OER13 conference, on 26th March 2013. It is an outline of the activities and findings of the amazing OpenLIVES project. Find OpenLIVES interviews at and look at the Openlives group to find more resources.

Shared with the World by Ms Kate Borthwick

OpenLIVES - Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World: Resources
This is a collection of learning resources that have been created or re-used for the teaching of the Final Year module "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World" SPPO3640 at the University of Leeds. It also includes interviews, documentaries and other materials produced by the students. The resources appear in chronological order of addition to this collection.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

OpenLIVES - Year 1 Spanish Language and Spanish Society Learning Resources
This is a collection of resources produced for Spanish Language Autonomous Learning (B2-C1 CEFR) and Spanish Society (SPPO1180 - Skills and Issues in Spanish and Latin AMerican Studies) at the University of Leeds as part of JISC-funded OpenLIVES.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

OpenLIVES - interviewing married couples for oral history research
This video features an interview with Dr Darren Paffey, of the University of Southampton, who conducted many of the original OpenLIVES interviews. He talks about the experiences of interviewing a married couple and some of the pleasures and challenges of collecting personal life stories for research.

Shared with the World by Ms Kate Borthwick

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OpenLIVES Interview with Abraham Alcántara at the University of Leeds
Entrevista de Historia Oral a Abraham Alcántara. Fue realizada por estudiantes de la Universidad de Leeds el 1 de febrero de 2014. Forma parte de la asignatura "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES)", de último año de las Licenciaturas en Español (BAs in Spanish) de la Universidad de Leeds. Contiene archivo de sonido completo e hipervínculo al libro Case Studies of Openness in the Language Classroom (2013, editado por Ana Beaven, Anna Comas-Quinn y Barbara Sawhill) en el que aparecen dos estudios sobre OpenLIVES, uno de ellos sobre esta asignatura publicado por Antonio Martínez-Arboleda. Atribución y licencia de la entrevista: Storer, James; Shiress, Suzie, Wood, Bethany and Alcántara, Abraham. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Abraham Alcántara. OpenLIVES project (2014). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds ©. Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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OpenLIVES Interview with Alba Pomés at the University of Leeds
Entrevista de Historia Oral a Alba Pomés. Fue realizada por estudiantes de la Universidad de Leeds el 4 de febrero de 2014. Forma parte de la asignatura "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES)", de último año de las Licenciaturas en Español (BAs in Spanish) de la Universidad de Leeds. Contiene archivo de sonido completo e hipervínculo al libro Case Studies of Openness in the Language Classroom (2013, editado por Ana Beaven, Anna Comas-Quinn y Barbara Sawhill) en el que aparecen dos estudios sobre OpenLIVES, uno de ellos, sobre esta asignatura, publicado por Antonio Martínez-Arboleda. Atribución y licencia de la entrevista: Crooker, Sonia, Wells, Sally and Pomés, Alba. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Alba Pomés. OpenLIVES project (2014). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds ©. Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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OpenLIVES Interview with Esther at the University of Leeds
Entrevista de Historia Oral a Esther. Fue realizada por estudiantes de la Universidad de Leeds el 31 de enero de 2014. Forma parte de la asignatura "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES)", de último año de las Licenciaturas en Español (BAs in Spanish) de la Universidad de Leeds. Contiene archivo de sonido completo e hipervínculo al libro Case Studies of Openness in the Language Classroom (2013, editado por Ana Beaven, Anna Comas-Quinn y Barbara Sawhill) en el que aparecen dos estudios sobre OpenLIVES, uno de ellos sobre esta asignatura publicado por Antonio Martínez-Arboleda. Atribución y licencia de la entrevista: Quartana, Daniele; Shiress, Suzie; Wells, Sally and Esther. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Esther. OpenLIVES project (2014). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds ©. Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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OpenLIVES Interview with Gisela Lorente at the University of Leeds
Entrevista de Historia Oral a Gisela Lorente. Fue realizada por estudiantes de la Universidad de Leeds el 1 de febrero de 2014. Forma parte de la asignatura "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES)", de último año de las Licenciaturas en Español (BAs in Spanish) de la Universidad de Leeds. Contiene archivo de sonido completo e hipervínculo al libro Case Studies of Openness in the Language Classroom (2013, editado por Ana Beaven, Anna Comas-Quinn y Barbara Sawhill) en el que aparecen dos estudios sobre OpenLIVES, uno de ellos sobre esta asignatura publicado por Antonio Martínez-Arboleda. Atribución y licencia de la entrevista: Farrell, David; Kendall, Emily; Spruell, Jenny and Lorente, Gisella. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Gisela Lorente. OpenLIVES project (2014). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds ©. Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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OpenLIVES Interview with Javier Zaragoza at the University of Leeds
Entrevista de Historia Oral a Javier Zaragoza. Fue realizada por estudiantes de la Universidad de Leeds el 23 de enero de 2013. Forma parte de la asignatura "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES)", de último año de las Licenciaturas en Español (BAs in Spanish) de la Universidad de Leeds. Contiene archivo de sonido completo, transcripción (en documento word y en pdf) e hipervínculo al libro Case Studies of Openness in the Language Classroom (2013, editado por Ana Beaven, Anna Comas-Quinn y Barbara Sawhill) en el que aparecen dos estudios sobre OpenLIVES, uno de ellos sobre esta asignatura publicado por Antonio Martínez-Arboleda. Atribución y licencia de la entrevista y su transcripción: Greenway J., Lillywhite, K., Steel, A., Wright, D. and Zaragoza, J. 2013. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Javier Zaragoza. OpenLIVES project (2013). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds ©. Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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OpenLIVES Interview with Juan Luis Hernández at the University of Leeds
Entrevista de Historia Oral a Juan Luis Hernández. Fue realizada por estudiantes de la Universidad de Leeds el 4 de febrero de 2015. Forma parte de la asignatura "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES)", de último año de las Licenciaturas en Español (BAs in Spanish) de la Universidad de Leeds. Contiene archivo de sonido completo e hipervínculo al libro Case Studies of Openness in the Language Classroom (2013, editado por Ana Beaven, Anna Comas-Quinn y Barbara Sawhill) en el que aparecen dos estudios sobre OpenLIVES, uno de ellos sobre esta asignatura publicado por Antonio Martínez-Arboleda. Se incorporan enlaces a los documentales realizados por las estudiantes Lucie England-Duce y Catherine Jessup. Atribución y licencia de la entrevista: England-Duce, Lucie; Jessup, Catherine and Hernández, Juan Luis. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Esther. OpenLIVES project (2014). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds ©. Licence: CC-BY-NC-

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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OpenLIVES Interview with Lara Gállego at the University of Leeds
Entrevista de Historia Oral a Lara Gállego. Fue realizada por estudiantes de la Universidad de Leeds el 26 de enero de 2013. Forma parte de la asignatura "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES)", de último año de las Licenciaturas en Español (BAs in Spanish) de la Universidad de Leeds. Contiene archivo de sonido completo, transcripción (en documento word y en pdf) e hipervínculo al libro Case Studies of Openness in the Language Classroom (2013, editado por Ana Beaven, Anna Comas-Quinn y Barbara Sawhill) en el que aparecen dos estudios sobre OpenLIVES, uno de ellos sobre esta asignatura publicado por Antonio Martínez-Arboleda. Atribución y licencia de la entrevista y su transcripción: : Abreu, J., Morgan, L., Richardson, J., Steel, A., Wright, D. and Gállego, L.. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Lara Gállego. OpenLIVES project (2013). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds ©. Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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OpenLIVES Interview with Paula at the University of Leeds
Entrevista de Historia Oral a Paula. Fue realizada por estudiantes de la Universidad de Leeds el 4 de febrero de 2016. Forma parte de la asignatura "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES)", de último año de las Licenciaturas en Español (BAs in Spanish) de la Universidad de Leeds. Contiene archivo de sonido completo e hipervínculo al libro Case Studies of Openness in the Language Classroom (2013, editado por Ana Beaven, Anna Comas-Quinn y Barbara Sawhill) en el que aparecen dos estudios sobre OpenLIVES, uno de ellos sobre esta asignatura publicado por Antonio Martínez-Arboleda. Atribución y licencia de la entrevista: Di Maro Sara; Giordana, Bianca; Rigg Phoebe; Coudret Lucie; Waszek, Lydia and Paula. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Paula. OpenLIVES project (2016). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds ©. Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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OpenLIVES Interview with Pedro at the University of Leeds
Entrevista de Historia Oral a Pedro. Fue realizada por estudiantes de la Universidad de Leeds el 4 de febrero de 2016. Forma parte de la asignatura "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES)", de último año de las Licenciaturas en Español (BAs in Spanish) de la Universidad de Leeds. Contiene archivo de sonido completo e hipervínculo al libro Case Studies of Openness in the Language Classroom (2013, editado por Ana Beaven, Anna Comas-Quinn y Barbara Sawhill) en el que aparecen dos estudios sobre OpenLIVES, uno de ellos sobre esta asignatura publicado por Antonio Martínez-Arboleda. Atribución y licencia de la entrevista: Coudret Lucie, Waszek Lydia and Pedro. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Pedro. OpenLIVES project (2016). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds ©. Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

OpenLIVES Pedagogy
This is a document, uploaded as a PDF and as a ppt, outlining the main points of the presentation given at the HEA-funded OpenLIVES workshop at the University of Southampton (LLAS) on the 23rd of May 2012. During the presentation some educational principles and practices emerging from the OpenLIVES experience were discussed, including the idea of student as an author and transacademic life skills. This presentation is the basis for the second part of the OpenLIVES presentation of the July 2012 LLAS Symposium in Edinburgh given in conjunction with Kate Borthwick, from LLAS in Southampton.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

OpenLIVES Seminar Task 1 (Week 3 of the programme)
This is a task aimed at developing students skills in interview coding whilst appreciating the emotional richness of the life story of Germinal Luis, a Spanish migrant whose testimony features in the OpenLIVES collection. This activity can be classed as an inductive and hands-on initiation to Migration Oral History. As part of the task, students will be able to contribute to the Global Learning Community with their own OER. It is part of the Final Year module SPPO3640 Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES)University of Leeds – School of Modern Languages and Cultures. BAs in Spanish. The resource contains a file in pdf and another in word, but it is the same content in both.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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OpenLIVES Spanish emigre interviews - Maria Luisa Lunar
This is the raw, unedited footage of an interview with Maria Luisa Lunar, conducted by Darren Paffey, of the University of Southampton, on 3rd/4th July, 2008. It is in Spanish and is 2 hours 36 minutes long. Included are ethnographic notes made by the original researchers. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License This means that you may download and adapt the work for non-commercial purposes but you must credit the original author. All use and versions of this material should be attributed. Please cite this work as: OpenLIVES project (2012). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC

Shared with the World by Ms Kate Borthwick

OpenLIVES: Interviews and documentaries produced by University of Leeds students
These are the interviews and documentaries published by students at the University of Leeds as part of their work in the module SPPO3640 Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES). You can find other resources, such as class materials, presentations or academic references in other folders and resources in HumBox. There is another collection of interviews of emigres who left Spain between the 1930's to the 1960's published by the HumBox team:

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Oral History: Asking different types of questions
This is an interactive learning object which gives information and practice on asking different types of questions when conducting life history interviews.

Shared with the World by Irina Nelson

Oral History: Basic Good Practice
This is an interactive learning object which introduces some basic concepts for making an effective life history interview.

Shared with the World by Irina Nelson

Oral History: Closed Questions
This is an interactive learning object which gives information and practice on the role of closed questions in conducting life history interviews.

Shared with the World by Irina Nelson

Oral History: Effective Questions
This is a learning object which introduces ideas on how to make effective questions during a live history interview.

Shared with the World by Irina Nelson

Oral History: Focus and structure in a live history interview I
This is an interactive learning object which offers practice and information on structuring an oral history interview.It is the first in a series of three.

Shared with the World by Irina Nelson

Oral History: Focus and structure in a live history interview II
This is an interactive learning object which offers practice and information on structuring an oral history interview.It is the second in a series of three.

Shared with the World by Irina Nelson

Oral History: Focus and structure in a live history interview III
This is an interactive learning object which offers practice and information on structuring an oral history interview.It is the third in a series of three.

Shared with the World by Irina Nelson

Oral History: Open Questions
This is an interactive learning object which gives information and practice on the role of open questions in conducting life history interviews.

Shared with the World by Irina Nelson

Phonetics for Students of Modern Languages
A course in phonetics for students of French, German and Spanish. Contains exercises.

Shared with the World by Alison Dickens

+1 more...
Activity for A2-B1 Spanish. Video scripting.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Professional Reported Speech in Spanish in a Political Context - C1-C2 Level
This is a learning activity for students of Spanish Language in Final Year (BA) or for anyone who is in the levels C1 or C2 of The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). It aims at showing different linguisitc strategies for the correct and purposeful use of reported speech in the professional context of journalism. It contains three sheets, one with all the background readings and videos and the plan for the whole set of activities, another with the exercises of Activity 4 (Reported Speech in Spanish), and one with an assessed task. It is connected to existing video resources in this repository. This work was presented and used in the 2010 E. Allison Peers Symposium (University of Liverpool) to the participating students, writers and academics.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Regional and National Diversity and the Spanish Political System
This is a powerpoint presentation that covers several sessions on regional and national diversity in contemporary Spain. These materials are used in the module "Introducción al Mundo Hispano" (SPPO 1400), taught as part of the Certificate in Higher Education in Spanish at the University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Role plays and simulations for modules on Spanish politics and society
Collection of collaborative activities for the module SPPO2650/1 "The Spanish Regional Melting Pot: The Same Old History?" (formerly "Spain: Political Decentralisation and Integration in Europe", taught at the University of Leeds in all the BAs in Spanish. These activities, which are ideal for online discussion boards or simply seminar-group work, are also suitable for many other modules on Spanish Society, Spanish Politics and Spanish Economy. They all have been tried and tested with students and have received positive feedback. For more information please see Martínez-Arboleda, A. (2009) "Using new technologies on content modules in modern languages", Liaison. July 2009. 29-31.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Se equivocó la paloma, by Rafael Alberti
Spanish poet Juan Ramón Barat and Juan Manzanares, Lecturer in History, comment on this poem focusing on its political content and context. There are plenty of references to the Spanish Civil War, the Franco dictatorship and how poetry and culture suffered during many years. Transcript of the video recommended. The text of the poem can found in There are well known sung versions of this poem. Catalan singer Joan Manuel Serrat has produced the most popular one, which can be seen in websites such as youtube.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

Simulations and Collaborative Learning in Spanish Language and Culture: a Way Forward for the Enhancement of Employability in Arts Subjects?
This is an updated summary of the talk on Simulations and Collaborative Learning given in Cork in November 2011. It includes an interesting bibliography.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Spanish language autonomous learning worksheet of the novel Deja en paz a los muertos
Esta es la hoja de trabajo de la novela de misterio de Juan Ramón Barat “Deja en paz a los muertos”. La hoja se usa en el programa de aprendizaje autónomo de Lengua Española de la Universidad de Leeds en el Primer Año de Licenciatura. La hoja ha sido escrita por A. Martínez-Arboleda y ha sido revisada por el propio escritor, que también es profesor de Lengua y Literatura. La hoja de trabajo funciona además como guía de lectura. Hay dos archivos de descarga, uno en pdf y otro en Word. También se incluyen un enlace a Youtube con un vídeo de presentación y un enlace a la entrada de Juan Ramón Barat en wikipedia. Las fotos han sido descargadas de flickr y en la hoja se atribuye su autoría.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

The Spanish Tragedy
A .ppt presentation examing the Spanish tragedy. The presentation details the various elements of the Spanish tragedy and incorporates questions for students to consider.

Shared with the World by Mr Billy Brick

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The learning synergies of poetry
Learning materials for poetry translation autonomous learning actuivities plus video presentation of the student poetry project on poetry translation for the Facing Pages Symposium. University of Leeds, 23 April 2010. This resource includes a poster of the Facing Pages Symposium, poems translated by students, autonomous learning worksheets for the translation workshop and for the poetry and music event plus a link to a video with detailed explanations in Spanish of how the various learning activities came to life. Watching the video of the symposium presentation is not essential, although if you know some Spanish it may help.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Understanding the Economic and Political Context of the Spanish Crisis
Economist Roger Fernández Urbano (University of Barcelona and University of Warwick) discusses the reasons behind the Spanish Financial Crisis and the Housing Bubble, in the premiere in the UK of the documentary €uroestafa (€uroescam) by Guillermo Cruz. This resource includes the poster of the event, mymedia video presentation plus ppt slides. With thanks to HumBox Project for OER production for funding. Also supported by the Centre for World Cinemas. Creative Commons Licence 3.0 BY-NC-SA. Copyright University of Leeds. 2015

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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€uroestafa (€uroscam)
Was the Financial Crisis in Spain different from anywhere else in Europe? What was its social impact? What can we learn from it? This documentary by Guillermo Cruz is based on new research on the origins of the Spanish Housing and Construction Bubble, connecting it with political and economic events elsewhere in Europe. It is in Spanish with subtitles in English (click on the top left corner of the screen for subtitles). This resource is used in Spanish Final Year modules at the University of Leeds: Spanish in an Economics and Business Context and Contemporary Spain: From Franco to Zapatero (1975-2010). It contains the official poster of the launch of the film in 2014, a link to the film, which has a CC BY-NC-SA licence, as it was crowd-funded, in Youtube, the full transcript of the documentary and the translation of the script made by Antonio Martinez-Arboleda. PRODUCCIÓN: MEDIA FAMILY, tururut art infogràfic, Guillermo Cruz, Ricard Vergés DIRECCIÓN: GUILLERMO CRUZ INVESTIGACIÓN: RICARD VERGÉS GUIÓN: GUILLERMO CRUZ, RICARD VERGÉS AYUDANTE DE DIRECCIÓN: GAIZKA ALTUNA OPERADORES DE CÁMARA: GAIZKA ALTUNA, GUILLERMO CRUZ, RAÚL DE LA MORENA, ÒSCAR XAVIER GC MONTAJE: GUILLERMO CRUZ, BRUNO PALAZÓN-ARNAUD POSTPRODUCCIÓN: ÒSCAR XAVIER GC tururut art infogràfic MÚSICA: JUAN MARCHENA GÓMEZ VOZ EN OFF: XAVIER MAYANS COMUNICACIÓN: ANTONIA CRUZ, SONIA FERNÁNDEZ, CRISTINA MANGAS, JORDI MARTÍNEZ COMMUNITY MANAGER: JORDI MARTÍNEZ

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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