Number of items: 5.
Nightmare scenarios
Two exercises designed for use by English lecturers seeking to develop their skills. One activity is for use by an individual lecturer working alone; the other is for use in a group setting. The activities are designed to sustain novice lecturers and tutors in facing the things that most worry them about working with groups. The object is to achieve a base level of confidence which then bit by bit becomes self sustaining. The group activity involves the viewing of a video of English lecturers discussing potential solution to common seminar 'nightmare scenarios'. There is also an overview of the activities.
Shared with the World by
Mr Brett Lucas
Peer reviewing a seminar: Oliver Twist
Two exercises on seminar planning designed for use by individual English lecturers seeking to develop their skills. Both activities involve viewing a video of a seminar in English Literature.
These activities offer lecturers the opportunity to apply and enrich their understanding of the seminar in a concrete way. By treating an example of a seminar as a text, they open up a number of questions about the dynamic of the seminar process. There is also an overview of the activities.
Shared with the World by
Mr Brett Lucas
Seminar design
Two exercises on seminar planning designed for use by English lecturers seeking to develop their skills. One activity is for use by an individual lecturing working alone; the other is for use in a group setting.
These activities are designed to stimulate thought about the forms and processes of small group teaching, suggesting ways in which a lecturer or tutor might move mentally between preparing their curriculum or content knowledge and their developing insight into how people learn in groups. There is also an overview of the activities.
Shared with the World by
Mr Brett Lucas
Small group teaching (Collection 4 of 7)
This Collection is the fourth of seven that make up 'The Pool', a selection of Open Educational Resources designed to support the professional development of English lecturers. This collection of activities for individuals and groups aims to help lecturers come to terms with some of the challenges of designing and running seminars. Of interest to lecturers at different career stages (especially those just setting out), and to leaders of accredited courses.
Shared with the World by
Mr Brett Lucas
Thinking about seminars
Two exercises on planning and running seminars designed for use by individual English lecturers seeking to develop their skills.
The activities invite lecturers to plan small group teaching on the basis that the seminar is not simply a vehicle of transmission, but an organism with a life of its own, operating simultaneously at social, intellectual, and emotional levels.
Shared with the World by
Mr Brett Lucas
This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 10:03:25 2025 UTC.