Number of items: 51.
18th Century Spanish Literature
Summary of 18th century Spanish Literature
Shared with the University by
Ms Bettina Hermoso Gómez
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1968 Prague Spring: Origins
Powerpoint presentation on the influence of literature and the arts on politics. Used as a teaching aid
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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A history of Czech Literature 900-2000
Information on the life and work of several Czech authors, Used as reference material in class to complement lectures
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Alaine Polcz, A wartime memoir
Powerpoint presentation of the novel A wartime memoir by Alaine Polcz, a Hungarian World War 2 survivor and memoirist.
Used as lecture and seminar notes for women’s writing courses at Glasgow University.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Bibliography to the study of Hungarian literature
Word document - A bibliography of English-language scholarly articles on 20th century Hungarian literature with electronic availability wherever possible
Hungarian literature, women’s writing, literature and culture
I have used it as an aide to find secondary material to Hungarian and comparative literature courses
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Brecht activity: Brechtian Theatre and its Stanislavskian contrary
This is part of a suite of self-guided exercises developed for Level 5 undergraduates taking a module on World Drama 1880-1960. The resources were developed as part of a project on "Developing Independent Learning", funded by an English Subject Centre grant: a fuller description of the project is at
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Steggle
Bringing in other texts: Beckett's A Piece of Monologue
This is part of a suite of self-guided exercises developed for Level 5 undergraduates taking a module on World Drama 1880-1960. The resources were developed as part of a project on "Developing Independent Learning", funded by an English Subject Centre grant: a fuller description of the project is at
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Steggle
Byzantium and the Slavs
Word Document and Powerpoint presentation - A lecture on Constantine and Methodius and the introduction of Cyrillic liturgy to Moravia in the 9th century. Used as source material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Collaborative Online Assignments for Final Year Module on Literature
This is an alternative untested methodological proposal for a Literature Module that was taught for several years at the University of Leeds following the traditional lecture-seminar-essay methodology. This alternative methodology embeds very prominently team work, organisational skills, public communication skills and learners' initiative and leadership, whilst reinforcing classic academic skills such as critical thinking by making content more attractive as a result of the various ways in which social engagement occurs. There are almost no limitations to the successful introduction of any kind of e-learning tools such as discussion boards, wikis and podcasts in any literature module that follows socio-constructive approaches. Thanks to my colleague Dr David Frier, who used to teach the module "Innovation and Experimentation in Portuguese 20th Century Literature", for his help. For information and reflections on this methodology, please see A. Martínez-Arboleda, "Using new technologies on content modules in modern languages", Liaison, Issue 3, 2009, págs. 29-31.
Shared with the World by
Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
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Creating a nation: monuments and textual documents in Hungary: 1800-1900
Powerpoint version of a lecture given at Peter Pazmany RC University, Budapest. Hungarian literature, literature and culture, creating national cultural institutions. Used as powerpoint aide to summer school lecture.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Czech Writers and Politics 1945 - 1989
Powerpoint file - exploring Czech literature and politics from 1945 - 1989 used as teaching aids
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Different approaches to Karel Čapek’s travel writing
Powerpoint presentations and class notes - different reading approaches of Karel Čapek’s travel writing.
Used as powerpoint presentations accompanied with classnotes
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Drama 1880-1960
This is part of a suite of self-guided exercises developed for Level 5 undergraduates taking a module on World Drama 1880-1960. The resources were developed as part of a project on "Developing Independent Learning", funded by an English Subject Centre grant: a fuller description of the project is at
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Steggle
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Emil Hakl
Word document - Information on the life and work of Emil Hakl (real name Jan Beneš). Used as reference material in teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Engaging with Students: Spanish and Portuguese Literature Activities created by Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
This is a collection of activities, including a whole course, aimed at offering to the academic alternative methodological approaches to widespread conventions in the learning and teaching of any Literature module in Higher Education.
Shared with the World by
Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
Exploring the Feminine and the Divine - Explorando lo femenino y lo divino
Spanish poets Inma Pelegrín and Katy Parra join their voices with Irish poet Siobhan Mac Mahon and London poet Hannah Stone in this International Writers at Leeds event. The artists celebrate life and light alongside their exploration, through poetic dialogue, of how the feminine consciousness is embodied and expressed in relation to divinity. Music by Irish guitarist Sabrina Piggott. Translations and final poetic collage (using exclusively verses by the 4 poets) by Antonio Martínez-Arboleda (University of Leeds). The video contains original poems in English and Spanish as well as some translations. The event took place at Leeds Central Library on 3 February 2015. With thanks to Leeds Trinity University, Instituto Cervantes of Leeds and Manchester, Leeds Central Library, School of Modern Languages and Cultures (University of Leeds) and Transforming with Poetry at Inkwell. This resource includes poster of the event, the video file, link to youtube and text advertising the event in English with references and links to Hannah Stone, Katy Parra, Inma Pelegrín and Siobhan Mac Mahon.
Shared with the World by
Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
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Four Early Reactions to The Maid's Tragedy
Seminar handout from a Level 6 module on Renaissance tragedy. A collection of early commentary on Beaumont and Fletcher's The Maid's Tragedy.
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Dr Matthew Steggle
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Four Mock Timed Essays on Milton
Mock timed essays designed to promote discussion of what makes a good exam answer.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Steggle
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Fragments of exam answers
Mock sentences from exam scripts, to invite discussion of what sorts of sentences belong in good exam answers.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Steggle
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Ghosts, Witches and Portents in Early Modern Europe: Seminar 4: Ghosts and Literature
Discussion of 'ghost stories' and the role of literary culture in early modern understandings of ghosts. Based upon the key text Mother Leakey and the Bishop. Includes questions to consider.
Prepared for the special subject module: Ghosts, Witches and Portents in Early Modern Europe.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matt Phillpott
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Ghosts, Witches and Portents in Early Modern Europe: Seminar 9: Ghosts, Fairies, Frauds and the Natural World
Examination of the role of and belief in fairies during the early modern period. Discussion of literature and events surrounding this belief in fairies, how it was taken advantage of, and specifically how it was linked to the discourse surrounding witchcraft.
Prepared for the special subject module: Ghosts, Witches and Portents in Early Modern Europe.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matt Phillpott
Hungarian Literature and Culture
Powerpoint and word documents - Covering Hungarian literature and culture. Used as teaching aids
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Ibsen Activity: What can different translations tell us?
This self-guided exercise asks students to perform a close reading of three competing translations of an extract from Ibsen's The Doll's House.
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Dr Matthew Steggle
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Interview with Saharawi Poet Bahia Mahmud Awah
Interview carried out by first year students of Hispanic Studies at the University of Durham, 14 February 2017. Bahia's presentation, and the subsequent interview, explores the role of poetry in nonviolent resistance and the history of the Saharawi 'Friendship Generation' of poets.
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Dr Joanna Allan
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Jean Genet and Jacques Lacan
This self-guided exercise, aimed at Level 5 literature students, invites them to read Genet's The Balcony in terms of Lacan.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Steggle
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Juno and the Paycock and Irish History
A self-guided exercise for Level 5 students that situates Synge's play in terms of Irish history.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Steggle
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Karel Capek - A Writer for our Times?
Powerpoint presentation - Information on the life and work of Karel Capek. Used in class to complement lectures
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Karel Čapek: 1890-1938
Information on the life and work Karel Capek. Used as As reference material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Michal Viewegh
Word document - Information on the life and work of Michal Viewegh. Used as reference material for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Milan Kundera
Word document - Information on the life and work of Milan Kundera. Used as reference material in teaching.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Milan Kundera´s Unbearable Lightness of Being
Word document - Review of Milan Kundera´s Unbearable Lightness of Being. Used as reference material in teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Miller Activity: Key Words in Death of a Salesman?
A self-guided exercise for Level 5 literature students, introducing the research possibilities of concordances with particular reference to Miller's Death of a Salesman.
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Dr Matthew Steggle
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New Women in Hungarian literature: Margit Kaffka (1880-1918)
Powerpoint verslecture given at Glasgow University on a Hungarian woman writer (life and work)
Hungarian literature, women’s writing, literature and culture. Used as powerpoint aide in undergraduate lecture in Comparative Literature
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Paradise Lost: The Tragedy of Adam and Eve?
Lecture handout including a reference list of useful passages
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Steggle
This collection contains assorted lecture handouts and exercises prepared by Matthew Steggle in connection with courses in pre-1700 English Literature.
Shared with the World by
Dr Matthew Steggle
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Reading sixteenth century French texts
This is a resource aimed at supporting students who are reading sixteenth century French literature. It covers the main differences between French of this period and modern French. Examples are taken from the texts my students study, but any examples can be substituted.
The file was created using WimbaCreate (or CourseGenie). Using WimbaCreate it can be saved in a variety of formats including html and Blackboard for upload to the VLE. By uploading in this format I hope that you will be able to 'repurpose' the content.
Shared with the World by
Dr Honor Aldred
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Slovene Literature
Powerpoint presentation on Slovenian literature. Used in language and culture lectures.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Spanish language autonomous learning worksheet of the novel Deja en paz a los muertos
Esta es la hoja de trabajo de la novela de misterio de Juan Ramón Barat “Deja en paz a los muertos”. La hoja se usa en el programa de aprendizaje autónomo de Lengua Española de la Universidad de Leeds en el Primer Año de Licenciatura. La hoja ha sido escrita por A. Martínez-Arboleda y ha sido revisada por el propio escritor, que también es profesor de Lengua y Literatura. La hoja de trabajo funciona además como guía de lectura. Hay dos archivos de descarga, uno en pdf y otro en Word. También se incluyen un enlace a Youtube con un vídeo de presentación y un enlace a la entrada de Juan Ramón Barat en wikipedia. Las fotos han sido descargadas de flickr y en la hoja se atribuye su autoría.
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Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
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Statistics for the humanities
Statistics for the Humanities is now available as an open access e-book (PDF format only at present).
The book is aimed primarily at undergraduate humanities students, especially those who have not studied mathematics since the age of 16.
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Dr John Canning
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The History of Czech Literature 900-2000
Texts, powerpoint presentations
Information on the life and work of several Czech authors
As reference material; power points are used in class to complement lectures.
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Video Interview - 19th Century Czech Literature
Czech 19th Century Literature this resource has been created for Humbox, but will be used for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Video Interview - 20th Century Czech Literature
A video interview with Dr Jan Culik, Glasgow University discussing 20th Century Czech Literature. The video's have been produced for Humbox, but will be used for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
Video Interviews - Covering Czech: Economy, History and Literature
A selection of video interviews exploring the Czech: Economy, Literature and History. The video's have been produced for Humbox, but will be used for teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
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Václav Havel
Word document - Information on the life and work of Václav Havel. Used as reference material in teaching
Shared with the World by
Ms Claire Monaghan
This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 10:05:46 2025 UTC.