Number of items: 8.
Exploring the lives of Hispanic migrants living in the UK: social, linguistic, and cultural integration
This documentary focuses on the topic of integration and intercultural relationships by exploring the life stories of adult migrants from Spain and Latin America who currently live in the UK. Their first-hand accounts deliver information on how they define and perceive their levels of integration and how language and cultural awareness has affected this process.
Shared with the World by
Miss Daisy Willock
Exú - Orixá do Candomblé
This podcast in Portuguese was created by Emilia Kropowska, a student of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth, as a part of a research project entitled 'The Role of Student Audio Casting and Production in the Language Learning Curriculum'. The podcast was created using Audacity recording software and enhanced with free images using Windows Movie Maker. The recording is based on the student's own original research carried out in the year 2007-2008. This podcast explains the role of orixás in the Afro-Brazilian religion of Candomblé, which was brought to Brazil during the era of slavery, and which has since become one of Brazil's major religions. Orixás play a pivotal role in Candomblé ritual and belief; they are intermediaries between human beings, nature and the divine. The podcast focuses particularly on the role of the orixá Exu, and what he represents within the belief system of Candomblé. The podcast can be used as a learning resource in several different ways: as a focus for discussion, aural comprehension or as a base for further research by students in the field of Lusophone, Brazilian and Latin American studies. A transcription of the podcast is provided.
Shared with the World by
Mr Emmanuel Godin
Indigenous protest in the Peruvian Amazon
This is a reusable learning object (RLO) about indigenous protest against government plans to open up the Peruvian Amazon to foreign investment. It integrates links to external content, self-assessment questions authored in Wimba Create and a suggested discussion board topic. The resource was developed for use with students on the MA in Human Security and Environmental Change at Nottingham Trent University.
Shared with the World by
Dr Neil Hughes
Isabel Allende
Powerpoint - Introduction to Isabel Allende, works and seminar questions. Used as teaching aid.
Shared with the University by
Dr Milagros Lopez-Pelaez Casellas
O Candomblé é uma religião Afro-Brasileira
This podcast in Portuguese was created by Emilia Kroprowska ,a student of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth, as a part of a research project entitled ‘The Role of Student Audio Casting and Production in the Language Learning Curriculum’. The podcast was created using Audacity recording software and enhanced with free images using Windows Movie Maker. The recording is based on the student’s own original research carried out in the year 2007 - 2008. The theme is the Afro-Brazilian religion Candomblé. The recording describes the religion’s origins in Africa, the means by which it was brought to Brazil, and subsequently adapted over the centuries. The recording also explains the theology, beliefs and rituals which are most characteristic of Candomblé. The podcast can be used as a learning resource in several different ways: as a focus for discussion, aural comprehension or as a base for further research by students in the field of Lusophone, Brazilian and Latin American studies. A transcription of the podcast including original photos is also provided.
Shared with the World by
Mr Emmanuel Godin
O Papel do Sacrifício no Candomblé
This podcast in Portuguese was created by Emilia Kroprowska ,a student of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth, as a part of a research project entitled ‘The Role of Student Audio Casting and Production in the Language Learning Curriculum’. The podcast was created using Audacity recording software and enhanced with free images using Windows Movie Maker. The recording is based on the student’s own original research carried out in the year 2007 - 2008. The theme is the Afro-Brazilian religion Candomblé. Ritual sacrifice of animals is a feature of this religion, a practice which is frequently misunderstood by people not familiar with the religion. The recording, based on an interview with a Brazilian practitioner of Candomblé, explains the true significance of this ritual and its meaning within the context of the religion as a whole. The podcast can be used as a learning resource in several different ways: as a focus for discussion, aural comprehension or as a base for further research by students in the field of Lusophone, Brazilian and Latin American studies. A transcript of the podcast is also provided.
Shared with the World by
Mr Emmanuel Godin
O que é Umbanda?/ What is Umbanda?
This podcast in Portuguese was created by Emilia Kroprowska , a student of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth, as a part of a research project entitled ‘The Role of Student Audio Casting and Production in the Language Learning Curriculum’. The podcast was created using Audacity recording software and enhanced with free images using Windows Movie Maker. The recording is based on the student’s own original research carried out in the year 2007 - 2008. This podcast explains the role of Umbanda, a religion which was founded in brazil in 1908, and is a syncretic in nature, with influences from Christianity, Hinduism, Spiritism, and Africa-based religions. The recording explains the fundamental beliefs of Umbanda, its practices, and its role within Brazilian society. The podcast can be used as a learning resource in several different ways: as a focus for discussion, aural comprehension or as a base for further research by students in the field of Lusophone, Brazilian and Latin American studies. A transcription of the postcast, with additional photos, is also provided.
Shared with the World by
Mr Emmanuel Godin
Preconceitos do Brasil/ Brazilian Sterotypes
This podcast in Portuguese was created by James Letts, a student of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth, as a part of a research project entitled ‘The Role of Student Audio Casting and Production in the Language Learning Curriculum’. The podcast was created using Audacity recording software and enhanced with free images using Windows Movie Maker. The recording is based on the student’s own original research carried out in the year 2008. The recording presents commonly held stereotyped images and beliefs about Brazil, and the actual reality of Brazil as a modern industrial nation, with information about the nation’s technological innovations and social programmes. The podcast can be used as a learning resource in several different ways: as a focus for discussion, aural comprehension or as a base for further research by students in the field of Lusophone, Brazilian and Latin American studies. A transcript of the podcast is included as well as its English translation.
Shared with the World by
Mr Emmanuel Godin
This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 09:51:54 2025 UTC.