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Number of items: 14.

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"Admission all Classes": Blackpool and the North West on Film
This podcast describes the event and the history of Blackpool on film (partly narrated by Professor Mervyn Heard and Professor Vanessa Toulmin). This resource was created as part of the National Fairground’s AHRC-funded project, ‘Admission All Classes’, in association with Blackpool Council (See The resource is the copyright of the National Fairground Archive, University of Sheffield ( and has been made available with their permission. Some rights reserved (see terms of licence by clicking on the CC licence logo below).

Shared with the World by Dr Matt Phillpott

Admission all Classes
This is a collection of podcasts resulting from the "Admission all Classes" events which took place in Blackpool between July 2007 and October 2008. These resources were created as part of the National Fairground’s AHRC-funded project, ‘Admission All Classes’, in association with Blackpool Council (See The resources are the copyright of the National Fairground Archive, University of Sheffield ( and have been made available with their permission. Commercial use of these resources is prohibited. All rights reserved.

Shared with the World by Dr Matt Phillpott

Czech Cinema
Text and Powerpoint documents - Information on Czech cinema and a selection of recent Czech films. Used as source material for teaching

Shared with the World by Ms Claire Monaghan

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Dance and the Hollywood Musical
Online activities, teacher notes and reading list. Activities involve some reading, listening, watching and reflecting on the concepts of mass art and folk art in Hollywood musicals. Year 3 undergraduates, Higher Education Level 6.

Shared with the World by Dr Inma Alvarez


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Gladiator, Epic and Rome pics
Some pics of 'epic' Rome, and a few notes on the film Gladiator, with notes on its epic qualities. Usable with ideas of epic genre, literature through film. Pictures feature triumphal arches, the Collosseum, the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, the Pantheon, and Trajan's Markets (a two-story Roman 'shopping mall'!). My own photographs, taken in open access, public areas.

Shared with the World by Dr Lesley Coote

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Immigrants contribution to the Resistance in France during WWII.
Robert Guédiguian’s film Army of crime (2009) should be understood in the context of contemporary debates about French national identity and the contribution of immigrants to French society (see interview with the lead actor,Simon Abkarian). The film throws light on the role played iby anti-fascist refugees from Spain, Hungary, Poland, Armenia, Italy during the Second World War in France (See Official UK Trailer[Youtube]). These refugees, often Jews, close or members of the Communist Party, saw France as the country of human rights and were often the first one to organise resisters’ networks. Fighting in the Communist-led FTP-MOI (Francs-tireurs et partisans – main-d'œuvre immigrée), they were specifically targetted by the Nazis and the Vichy regime, as testified by the infamnous ‘Affiche rouge’. Poetry (Louis Aragon’s 1956 Strophes pour se souvenir) and mortuary monuments (such as the ones to be found in the Pére Lachaise cimetry in Paris, commemorating the role of Spaniards and immigrants in the Resistance movements),have been the traditional media through which their memory has been commemorated. Recently, Toulouse, ‘capital of Spanish republican exile’, has set up a ‘remembrance tour’ of the city. The Ciy Council has produced a (touristic?) leaflet to guide visitors through the major sites of Spanish Resistance (included here). A short bibliography points to the way academic research has also approached the subject.

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

Lecture on Peter Pan and Disney adaptation
A lecture given as part of a summer school on adapting the popular. There was a follow up lecture on Hook and P.J. Hogan's film

Shared with the University by Prof Imelda Whelehan

Prince of Thieves scene-by-scene
Another scene-by-scene for a popular film with medievalists and history tutors, as a ready-to-use resource or a template for adaptation or application to another film of your choice.

Shared with the World by Dr Lesley Coote

Reading list and worksheet for studying Brunuel's Tristana
Reading list and worksheet for studying Brunuel's Tristana

Shared with the World by Dr Matt Phillpott

Representations of Childhood and Violence in Recent Films depicting the Algerian War: using cinema to locate conflicting memories.
Dr Joseph McGonagle, Lecturer in Cultural Studies in the French Speaking World, University of Manchester answers questions on key themes in filmic representations of Franco-Algerian relations, the advantages and pitfalls of using film to help students understand historical and contemporary Franco-Algerian relations(interview carried out by Natalya Vince, March 2009). The 12 minute interview took place just after the one-day conference on 'France, North Africa and the Middle East Interdisciplinary and Multimedia Perspectives', held at the University of Portsmouth on 18 March 2009. 1. What are some of the key themes in films that represent Franco-Algerian relations? 2. What are some of the advantages and some of the pitfalls of using films as a tool to help students to understand contemporaries or Franco-Algerian relations? 3. Do you think students are able to place their understanding of films in context of the real world? Do you think there’s a danger of over –interpretation? 4. Which 3 films would you choose which are most useful for students to study?

Shared with the World by Mr Emmanuel Godin

Robin and Marian scene-by-scene
A scene-by-scene account of a film frequently used by medievalists. This can be used as a 'user-ready' resource for classes, or as a template for writing your own account of any film you wish to use.

Shared with the World by Dr Lesley Coote

Tips for analysing a film clip
Tips for film clip analysis, for class preparation and for assessment.

Shared with the World by Dr Lesley Coote

quick glossary of film terminology
Want to talk about film but not sure what the terms mean? The terminology actually does help to analyse the film clip or still images from films. It can be put onto a vle, or given to students as a handout.

Shared with the World by Dr Lesley Coote

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