Number of items: 7.
IEREST Module 1 - Meeting others abroad
The activity is related to the goal of reflecting on what it means to engage with others during a stay abroad. It helps students refrain from creating categories of ‘desirable’ and ‘undesirable’ others, reflecting on the idea that all people are potentially interesting and worth meeting. The activity also aims at encouraging students to engage with other mobile students, for instance by having former mobile students share experiences with new mobile students.
Shared with the World by
Ana Beaven
IEREST Module 1 - Slides
These are the slides accompanying Module 1 of the IEREST (Intercultural Education Resources for Erasmus Students and their Teachers) resources. They provide some theoretical support for the 4 pre-departure activities.
Shared with the World by
Ana Beaven
IEREST Module 2 - 24h Erasmus life
This activity is designed to encourage students to reflect on their actual Erasmus experiences along four complementary themes: (1) the emotional dimension of living abroad; (2) their social contacts within the Erasmus community as well as with local students/people; (3) the academic life in the host institution; and (4) their language experiences.
Shared with the World by
Ana Beaven
IEREST Module 2 - Slides
These are the slides accompanying Module 2 of the IEREST (Intercultural Education Resources for Erasmus Students and their Teachers) resources. They provide some theoretical support for the 3 while-abroad activities.
Shared with the World by
Ana Beaven
IEREST Module 3 - Slides
These are the slides accompanying Module 3 of the IEREST (Intercultural Education Resources for Erasmus Students and their Teachers) resources. They provide some theoretical support for the 3 upon-return activities.
Shared with the World by
Ana Beaven
IEREST slides - References
These slides contain the bibliographic references for the three sets of IEREST slides accompanying the manual.
Shared with the World by
Ana Beaven
Langsnap Guide 1:Being an International Student
The key objective of the Langsnap Guides is to provide resources and materials for programme administrators and for study abroad participants. This first guide is focused on preparing students for a period of study abroad. It covers the following aspects:
a) Adapting to unpredictable administrative and organizational differences
b) Assessment and expectations of what an undergraduate student “should know”
c) Studying complex topics in a foreign language
d) Dealing with emotions related to this aspect of their experience.
A suggested lesson plan for this guide is provided in the "notes" section of the Power Point.
Note: You are welcomed to download and edit the materials in any way you need. But we would be very grateful if you could please acknowledge the authorship of Langsnap team in the presentation, and in your modified version. If you time, we would love to hear your comments and feedback. Feel free to leave us a message or contact me (Patricia) at:
Thank you.
Shared with the World by
Dr L. Patricia Romero de Mills
This list was generated on Fri Nov 22 07:08:09 2024 UTC.