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Number of items: 20.

Collaborative Online Assignments for Final Year Module on Literature
This is an alternative untested methodological proposal for a Literature Module that was taught for several years at the University of Leeds following the traditional lecture-seminar-essay methodology. This alternative methodology embeds very prominently team work, organisational skills, public communication skills and learners' initiative and leadership, whilst reinforcing classic academic skills such as critical thinking by making content more attractive as a result of the various ways in which social engagement occurs. There are almost no limitations to the successful introduction of any kind of e-learning tools such as discussion boards, wikis and podcasts in any literature module that follows socio-constructive approaches. Thanks to my colleague Dr David Frier, who used to teach the module "Innovation and Experimentation in Portuguese 20th Century Literature", for his help. For information and reflections on this methodology, please see A. Martínez-Arboleda, "Using new technologies on content modules in modern languages", Liaison, Issue 3, 2009, págs. 29-31.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

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Computer-aided assessment
This resource contains examples of sophisticated online multiple-choice questionnaires and challenges English lecturers to emulate them. It consists of three parts: 1. An overview of the activity; 2. An activity that can be carried out by individual lecturers; 3.An activity that can be done with a group (useful to leaders of accredited courses).

Shared with the World by Mr Brett Lucas

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Designing learning with new media
This resource looks at the types of new media that a lecturer in English studies might employ when working online, the various contexts where that technology might be employed and the pedagogical strategies they might employ. There are two activities both available for individuals or groups. The first activity explores the range of technologies and their uses, the second involves the design of a learning activity around a piece of new media.

Shared with the World by Mr Brett Lucas

Inspiring Lecturers: Sharing e-learning practice through european case studies
A presentation about a research paper on gathering european e-learning case studies

Shared with the World by Dr Sarah Hayes

Learning Through Objective Question Activities
The set of resources in this collection comprise item banks for the creation of objective question learning activities. Each resource contains items from different Year 1 undergraduate modules, including a study skills unit. The file formats are compatible with Moodle and can be imported directly into the relevant application for deployment there. Items can be selected at will to make up different types of learning activities (e.g., summative assessment, guided study, progress orientation, seminar preparation, exam revision, etc.) according to individual needs. The team at Winchester continue to develop further item banks in a range of subject areas and would be interested in partnering with institutions who would like to participate.

Shared with the World by Dr Matthew Sauvage

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Online discussion in English Studies
The activity in this resource, available for a group or individual, exposes the student to a selection of voices within the discipline who have different perspectives on the use and assessment of online discussion.

Shared with the World by Mr Brett Lucas

Online teaching (Collection 7 of 7)
The object of this collection of resources is to both familiarise lecturers with the scope of online learning in English studies and to encourage thinking about the design, delivery and assessment of online learning.

Shared with the World by Mr Brett Lucas

Online teaching: introduction to the collection
The object of this collection of resources is to both familiarise lecturers with the scope of online learning in English studies and to encourage thinking about the design, delivery and assessment of online learning.

Shared with the World by Mr Brett Lucas

Second Life Guide for SL-moderators
Guide for training new users of Second Life

Shared with the World by Ms Gabi Witthaus

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Teaching with digital archives
In this resource there is a group or individual activity that demonstrates a variety of approaches that a practitioner might take to assist their students to discover information contained within complex online databases efficiently.

Shared with the World by Mr Brett Lucas

The Challenges of using the World-Wide Web in Teaching the History of Science
A collection of articles that represents a diverse range of views on the use of the Internet in the history and philosophy of science.

Shared with the World by Ms Danielle Lamb

The Visual Arabic Library (مكتبة الموارد المرئية لتعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها)
The Visual Arabic Library (مكتبة الموارد المرئية لتعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها) is a Growing Library of Realia (i.e.real-life) Images and& Videos To Improve Your Visual Learning Of The Arabic Language

Shared with the World by Mr Mourad Diouri

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The design of online activities in English Studies
This resource explores how we structure online learning activities and the way we present them for our students. It contains two activities that involve exploring a range of interactive online activities from English Literature courses. Participants should also gain a wider appreciation of the means by which online activities can be delivered (structure, presentation etc).

Shared with the World by Mr Brett Lucas

Using, developing and sharing teaching resources
I gave this presentation at the LLAS event for new staff 'Life and work in Academia,' 12th April, 2012, at Aston University. It gives an introduction into concepts of open educational resources and why engaging with openness is a good thing.

Shared with the World by Ms Kate Borthwick

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What are VLEs good for?
This resource introduces some of the key concepts, tools and benefits of using e-learning in the teaching of English Studies and provides a useful starting point for introducing colleagues to the benefits of using a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The resource is made up of two activities one for use with groups and one for individuals.

Shared with the World by Mr Brett Lucas

Word Cloud: Obama’s Speech in Egypt (Arabic)
This is a word cloud of Obama’s full speech in Cairo, Egypt. Credits: © Mourad Diouri Word Cloud created with Read full speech in Arabic and English at

Shared with the World by Mr Mourad Diouri

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Workshopping online
This resource contains a pair of exercises that explore ways in which the Creative Writing workshop might be supported by technology in face-to-face, blended or distance learning contexts.

Shared with the World by Mr Brett Lucas

e-Arabic Tandem Network : Face-to-Face & Online Arabic <-> English Language Exchange Partnership
The e-Arabic Tandem Network is an initiative to support Arabic language learners to find partners from the Arabic-speaking world who are interested to support you with your Arabic language study. This is a mutual language partnership of two or more learners, where all involved benefit equally. This service is intended to help Arabic language learners to find an e-Tandem partner with whom they can improve their language skills as well as expand their cultural understanding of the target culture. To join the network, go to:

Shared with the World by Mr Mourad Diouri

e-Arabic Teachers Network (eATNet) A Social/Professional Network for Arabic Language Teaching Professionals
This is a dedicated social and professional network for anyone involved in "Arabic as a foreign language" teaching, research or support. EatNet is a place where Arabic teaching professionals support each other. You are welcome to: ask questions, share and disseminate your experience, good practice, and relevant resources. To join the network, go to:

Shared with the World by Mr Mourad Diouri

eArabic Learning Portal
Your Gateway to a Growing Repository of Arabic eLearning Resources (In-House & Third Party). The (eArabic Learning Portal) provides a reference and access point to all our e-Learning resources and projects designed, developed and led by Mourad Diouri, the eLearning Lecturer, to support learners and teachers of Arabic as a foreign language.

Shared with the World by Mr Mourad Diouri

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