Number of items: 12.
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iPod Arabic Applications Directory
iPod Arabic Applications Directory: Mobile Tools & Applications Directory for Learning & Teaching Arabic
Shared with the World by
Mr Mourad Diouri
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Prof. Networks & Mailing Lists for Arabic Language Teaching Professionals
e-Arabic Learning Portal (eALP): Networks & Mailing Lists.
To help you stay up to date with events, news and developments in the field of TAFL (Teaching Arabic As a Foreign Language), as well as networking with fellow-minded professionals, the following directory contains links to:
Professional Networks
Mailing/Discussion Lists
Professional Organisations (under development)
If you are familiar with other networks, mailing lists, etc… that are not included in this directory, please get in touch.
Shared with the World by
Mr Mourad Diouri
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4Ts Top Ten Tips to Improve Your Language Learning Skills Abroad (Mourad Diouri)
The best way to learn any foreign language is simply to immerse yourself in the sounds and culture of your TL (target language). One authentic immersive environment in which you can improve your language dramatically is where the language is spoken and used on a daily basis. To benefit fully from your experience abroad you need to make an effort to create plenty of opportunities to interact with the locals and sample the local culture.
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Mr Mourad Diouri
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eArabic Learning Portal
Your Gateway to a Growing Repository of Arabic eLearning Resources (In-House & Third Party).
The (eArabic Learning Portal) provides a reference and access point to all our e-Learning resources and projects designed, developed and led by Mourad Diouri, the eLearning Lecturer, to support learners and teachers of Arabic as a foreign language.
Shared with the World by
Mr Mourad Diouri
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Streaming Live Online Arabic Media (Radio & TV)
Watch a huge selection of streaming live and on-demand Arabic TV channels online either directly from or externally.
Shared with the World by
Mr Mourad Diouri
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eArabic Quiz Resource Directory
Using a variety of interactive Web 2.0 quizzing/testing and learning games tools, the e-Quiz/Game resource directory project is an initiative to design and archive a pool of theme- and skill-based interactive learning objects (quizzes, tests, games, etc.) to assess students’ understanding and application of key Arabic language skills. The directory includes both in-house and third-party resources.
Shared with the World by
Mr Mourad Diouri
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Podcast Library (As the Arabs Say…كـَما قالـَت العَرَب)
As the Arabs Say…كـَما قالـَت العَرَب
Weekly Arabic Quotes, Proverbs, and Sayings for Learners of Arabic as a Foreign Language selected, podcasted and interpreted by Mourad Diouri
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Mr Mourad Diouri
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e-Arabic Tandem Network : Face-to-Face & Online Arabic <-> English Language Exchange Partnership
The e-Arabic Tandem Network is an initiative to support Arabic language learners to find partners from the Arabic-speaking world who are interested to support you with your Arabic language study. This is a mutual language partnership of two or more learners, where all involved benefit equally. This service is intended to help Arabic language learners to find an e-Tandem partner with whom they can improve their language skills as well as expand their cultural understanding of the target culture.
To join the network, go to:
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Mr Mourad Diouri
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e-Arabic Teachers Network (eATNet) A Social/Professional Network for Arabic Language Teaching Professionals
This is a dedicated social and professional network for anyone involved in "Arabic as a foreign language" teaching, research or support. EatNet is a place where Arabic teaching professionals support each other. You are welcome to: ask questions, share and disseminate your experience, good practice, and relevant resources.
To join the network, go to:
Shared with the World by
Mr Mourad Diouri
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Word Cloud: Obama’s Speech in Egypt (Arabic)
This is a word cloud of Obama’s full speech in Cairo, Egypt.
Credits: © Mourad Diouri
Word Cloud created with
Read full speech in Arabic and English at
Shared with the World by
Mr Mourad Diouri
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The Visual Arabic Library (مكتبة الموارد المرئية لتعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها)
The Visual Arabic Library (مكتبة الموارد المرئية لتعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها) is a Growing Library of Realia (i.e.real-life) Images and& Videos To Improve Your Visual Learning Of The Arabic Language
Shared with the World by
Mr Mourad Diouri
English words of Arabic origin
Two wordles of English words of Arabic origin. In both English and Arabic.
Shared with the World by
Mr Mourad Diouri
This list was generated on Wed Jan 22 07:49:34 2025 UTC.