First, check your browser...

Older browsers like Internet Explorer 6 cannot display the Alien Ink website properly, and we'd recommend upgrading to a newer browser. Try any from the list below - they've all work perfectly:

  1. Internet Explorer 8 (or Internet Explorer 7.0)
  2. Firefox 3.5 (or Firefox 3.0)
  3. Safari 4.0 (or Safari 3.2)
  4. Google Chrome 2

Next, check that you have Flash player installed

For audio to work in some of the missions, you will need Adobe Flash player v9.0 or above.
You can download the latest version of Flash player here.

Still having problems

Try doing a hard refresh of the mission page - sometimes your browser loads up data incorrectly and it causes problems with the game. On Windows, you can perform a hard refresh by pressing Control-F5; on Macs, press Command-Shift-R.

If your problem isn't fixed by any of the solutions above, please email us at We will try and help you as best we can!

When you email us, make sure you let us know:

  1. What browser you're using (e.g. Internet Explorer 7, Firefox Version 2.5, Safari 4, etc.)
  2. What operating system you are using (e.g. Windows Vista, XP, Mac OS 10.5, etc.)
  3. Where the problem happened? (e.g. which mission, which page?)
  4. What you did leading up to the problem? (e.g. refreshed the page, restarted the browser, etc.)

Please note! The clearer you are about your problem, the better we can help you!