OpenLIVES - Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World: Resources

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Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (SPPO3640)
This is the module outline of a new course that will be taught at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures of the University of Leeds from September 2012. This course is aimed at Final Year students of all our Spanish BA's. It has been designed as part of the University of Leeds' contribution to the JISC-funded OpenLIVES Project, in collaboration with the University of Southampton and the University of Portsmouth. You can also find a blog entry discussing the rationale for methodologies chosen. The module combines research-based learning and professional/life skills and allows students to be real producers of cultural critical knowledge.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
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OpenLIVES Seminar Task 1 (Week 3 of the programme)
This is a task aimed at developing students skills in interview coding whilst appreciating the emotional richness of the life story of Germinal Luis, a Spanish migrant whose testimony features in the OpenLIVES collection. This activity can be classed as an inductive and hands-on initiation to Migration Oral History. As part of the task, students will be able to contribute to the Global Learning Community with their own OER. It is part of the Final Year module SPPO3640 Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES)University of Leeds – School of Modern Languages and Cultures. BAs in Spanish. The resource contains a file in pdf and another in word, but it is the same content in both.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
Economic Migration from Spain during the Franco Regime La emigración económica española al exterior durante el franquismo. Audiovisual resources / recursos audiovisuales
These videos and audios were used for illustration purposes at the lecture “Economic Migration from Spain during the Franco Regime” of the module DISCOVERING SPANISH VOICES ABROAD IN A DIGITAL WORLD (SPPO3640). 3 October 2012. Javier López Alós. School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Dr. Javier López Alós
Qualitative Research Methods: Coding Exercise
This is a resource produced at the University of Plymouth by Kevin Meethan as part of LearningFromWOeRK. It is used in SPPO3640 (OpenLIVES) at the University of Leeds to introduce students to coding.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
Collection of Research Methods OER and links to online resources used in OpenLIVES Leeds module SPPO3640
List of links and titles of resources used to teach Research Methods in the Module "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World" (SPPO3640). University of Leeds

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
OpenLIVES - an interview with an oral history researcher
This video features an interview with Dr Darren Paffey, of the University of Southampton, who conducted many of the original OpenLIVES interviews. He talks about the experiences of interviewing participants and some of the pleasures and challenges of collecting personal life stories for research.

Shared with the World by Ms Kate Borthwick
OpenLIVES - interviewing married couples for oral history research
This video features an interview with Dr Darren Paffey, of the University of Southampton, who conducted many of the original OpenLIVES interviews. He talks about the experiences of interviewing a married couple and some of the pleasures and challenges of collecting personal life stories for research.

Shared with the World by Ms Kate Borthwick
Oral History
Lecture by Penny Summerfield, Department of History, University of Manchester, and list of references. This is part of methods@manchester: research methods in the social sciences. This lecture is an essential learning resource in the OpenLIVES module SPPOO3640 "Discovering Spanish Voices in a Digital World" at the University of Leeds

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
Collection of Resources for the topic of Spanish Migration.
This is a list of Resources, one of which contains a collection of videos, used in the OpenLIVES module Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (SPPO3640) for the topic of Spanish Migration. University of Leeds

This Resource by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda has not been shared
Oral History resources used in the OpenLIVES module Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (SPPO3640). University of Leeds
This a list of the resources that have been used in the teaching of the OpenLIVES module SPPO3640 "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World" at the University of Leeds

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
Consent Forms, Advert and Letter of Information for Oral History Research Interview, Publication of Life Story as OER and Publication of Life Story Documentary as OER
These are the documents and forms used in order to conduct the OpenLIVES research in an ethical manner. The research was carried out at the Universty of Leeds as part of the module "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World" in 2012/2013. The form applying for ethical consent to the University of Leeds Ethics Committee was completed by the tutor well before the start of the course and was used by the students as a learning resource. The advert looking for participants was designed by Lazara Morgan. The text of the email sent to possible participants was drafted by Jeran Richardson and the consent forms were drafted by Jessica Abreu and Alex Steel. All the work was revised and edited by the tutor. Attribution: University of Leeds.

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
Learning about social and economic issues in Spanish: videos and websites for language work.
This is a collection of videos and websites that prepare students for the challenge of interviewing Spanish economic migrants and dealing with the resulting primary data. They provide background information and key vocabulary and ideas in Spanish. They are only for advanced learners (B2-C1 CEFR) interested in these topics and require some scaffolding and activities around them. They have been used successfully in the OpenLIVES module SPPO3640 at the University of Leeds

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
Resources for the session on documentaries in the OpenLIVES module "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World", University of Leeds (SPPO3640)
This is a list Online Resources used to prepare the session on documentaries in the OpenLIVES module "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World", University of Leeds (SPPO3640)

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda
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Promesas y realidad, la inmigración española en el Reino Unido
Este documental ofrece un análisis de las entrevistas a Javier Zaragoza y Lara Gallego, dos emigrantes que viven en Leeds, en el norte de Inglaterra, debido a la carencia de buenas perspectivas laborales a causa de la crisis económica. Tomando como punto de partida el dato de que 400.000 personas han abandonado España desde 2008 (Mora, J, 2013), este audio documental compara las ideas preconcebidas de los informantes antes de llegar a Inglaterra con la realidad de ser inmigrante en Inglaterra, con el fin de ayudar y concienciar a los españoles que están pensando en emigrar al extranjero. El documental fue producido como parte de la asignatura "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES)", de la Universidad de Leeds. Attributions: Abreu, J., Greenway J., Lillywhite, K., Morgan, L., Richardson, J., Steel, A., Wilson, J., Wright, D. and Zaragoza, J. 2013. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Javier Zaragoza. OpenLIVES project (2013). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds Gutierrez, A, P. 2008. OpenLIVES Spanish emigre interviews - Juanra. OpenLIVES project (2012). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. Abreu, J., Gállego, L., Greenway J., Lillywhite, K., Morgan, L., Richardson, J., Steel, A., Wilson, J., and Wright, D. 2013. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Lara Gállego. OpenLIVES project (2013). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds

Shared with the World by Mr Jack Greenway
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Una Migración Conectada: La Relevancia de Redes y Comunidades Solidarias en Mudanzas Transfronterizas
Este documental, que forma parte de un proyecto estudiantil en la Universidad de Leeds, hace hincapié en los aspectos sociales que acompañan de la migración. En concreto trata de las redes migratorias y comunidades solidarias, y sus efectos en cuanto a la integración. Durante el documental, se recorren las experiencias de cuatro emigrantes, hiladas por explicaciones y reflexiones del narrador, e incorporando algunos aspectos de la teoría migratoria contemporánea. Al enfocarse en casos individuales, se resaltan elementos esclarecedores, emocionales y relevadores, y se intenta crear consciencia acerca de las circunstancias a las que se enfrentan los migrantes, especialmente en lo que concierne a la emigración económica proveniente de España. Las ideas expresadas en el documental son propias del narrador, y no necesariamente de los entrevistados. El documental fue producido como parte de la asignatura "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES)", de la Universidad de Leeds. Attributions: Abreu, J., Greenway J., Lillywhite, K., Morgan, L., Richardson, J., Steel, A., Wilson, J., Wright, D. and Zaragoza, J. 2013. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Javier Zaragoza. OpenLIVES project (2013). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds Gutierrez, A, P. 2008. OpenLIVES Spanish emigre interviews - Juanra. OpenLIVES project (2012). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. Paffey, D. 2008. OpenLIVES Spanish émigré interviews – María José García Gúzman (2012). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. Abreu, J., Gállego, L., Greenway J., Lillywhite, K., Morgan, L., Richardson, J., Steel, A., Wilson, J., and Wright, D. 2013. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Lara Gallego. OpenLIVES project (2013). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds

Shared with the World by Mr Jeran Richardson
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España: percepciones desde el extranjero
En este documental se utilizan extractos de entrevistas con Javier Zaragoza y Lara Gállego, dos emigrados que viven en Leeds en el norte de Inglaterra, para reflexionar sobre cómo los entrevistados se relacionan con sus respectivos lugares de origen. Con este propósito, se examinan los motivos por los cuales los emigrantes dejaron estos lugares, el apego que sienten por sus comunidades de origen mientras se encuentran fuera, las opiniones de sus amigos y sus familias, y finalmente, si tienen planes de regresar. Es un documental de reflexión con un toque literario. El documental fue producido como parte de la asignatura "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES)", de la Universidad de Leeds. Attributions: Abreu, J., Greenway J., Lillywhite, K., Morgan, L., Richardson, J., Steel, A., Wilson, J., Wright, D. and Zaragoza, J. 2013. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Javier Zaragoza. OpenLIVES project (2013). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds Gutierrez, A, P. 2008. OpenLIVES Spanish emigre interviews - Juanra. OpenLIVES project (2012). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. Abreu, J., Gállego, L., Greenway J., Lillywhite, K., Morgan, L., Richardson, J., Steel, A., Wilson, J., and Wright, D. 2013. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Lara Gállego. OpenLIVES project (2013). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds

Shared with the World by Miss Katie Lillywhite
OpenLIVES Interview with Javier Zaragoza at the University of Leeds
Entrevista de Historia Oral a Javier Zaragoza. Fue realizada por estudiantes de la Universidad de Leeds el 23 de enero de 2013. Forma parte de la asignatura "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World (OpenLIVES)", de último año de las Licenciaturas en Español (BAs in Spanish) de la Universidad de Leeds. Contiene archivo de sonido completo, transcripción (en documento word y en pdf) e hipervínculo al libro Case Studies of Openness in the Language Classroom (2013, editado por Ana Beaven, Anna Comas-Quinn y Barbara Sawhill) en el que aparecen dos estudios sobre OpenLIVES, uno de ellos sobre esta asignatura publicado por Antonio Martínez-Arboleda. Atribución y licencia de la entrevista y su transcripción: Greenway J., Lillywhite, K., Steel, A., Wright, D. and Zaragoza, J. 2013. Entrevista OpenLIVES with Javier Zaragoza. OpenLIVES project (2013). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC. University of Leeds ©. Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA

Shared with the World by Mr Antonio Martínez-Arboleda

OpenLIVES - Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World: Resources

This is a collection of learning resources that have been created or re-used for the teaching of the Final Year module "Discovering Spanish Voices Abroad in a Digital World" SPPO3640 at the University of Leeds. It also includes interviews, documentaries and other materials produced by the students. The resources appear in chronological order of addition to this collection.

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