Deutsch lernen mit den Wise Guys

The Wise Guys in concert

The Wise Guys in concert


These learning activities are based on the song “Denglisch” by the German “Wise Guys”. Have fun finding out how English German has become…


By listening to the song you will learn about popular German Anglicisms and extend your vocabulary in German. You will get to know a popular German a-cappella-group.


Activity 1: Listen to the song

In this activity, you will listen to the song 'Denglisch' and start to think about its meaning.


Click on the link below to listen to the whole song. Then read the question and write your answer in the textbox provided.




What is this song about and what do you think does the word "Denglisch" mean?

Activity 2: Chorus

You will now have a closer look at the beginning of the song:


The following lyrics of the chorus are jumbled. Try to put them into the correct order, then check by listening to the chorus again (up to 0.17seconds):


ich sehne mich nach Frieden und ‘nem kleinen Stückchen Glück,
öffne unsre Herzen, mach’ die Hirne weit,
lass uns noch ein Wort verstehn in dieser schweren Zeit,
oh Herr, bitte gib mir meine Sprache zurück,

Does the chorus have the form of a

Click the correct translation for

Ich sehne mich nach Frieden

What is the meaning of the following sentence? Write your answer in the box below.

Mach’ die Hirne weit (das Hirn = brain)

Additional Resources

The lyrics can be found at:

The Wiseguys website


Activity 3: Vocabulary

If you listen to the song again, it becomes more and more English at the end.


Please watch the following videoclip:


Look in the help section if you need to read the lyrics again or check a dictionary.

Make a list of all the words that appear in German and later in English in the chorus.

Now make a list of all the “Anglizismen” (English words) used in the verses with their proper German translation (if there is one).

Activity 4: Wer sind die Wise Guys?

 In this activity, you will find out more about the Wise Guys by studying their website.



Go to the Wise Guys website and then try to find out which of the following statements are correct (look under “über uns”)


Die Wise Guys sind eine Gruppe von

Die Wise Guys

Die Wise Guys

Die Wise Guys

Would you like to review the main points?

© Christine Bohlander, Durham University. Image courtesy of Curnen.

Created using the LOC Tool, University of Southampton